Model Training and Validation
Model Training and Validation#
Now that the inputs are prepared, we can proceed to set up and configure a model. I tried different configurations with up to three hidden layers with different numbers of nodes in each layer and eventually settled on the following model layout:
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(100, activation='relu',
tf.keras.layers.Dense(50, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')
This sets up a neural network with three fully connected hidden layers, interleaved with two dropout layers and with L2 regularisation activated in the middle hidden layer.
Since there are 10 input variables, the input layer of the network has
. The following dense layers have 10, 100 and 50 neurons,
respectively. Dropout is a regularisation technique
aimed at eliminating overtraining by introducing an element of randomness.
During training, a dropout layer randomly discards a configurable
fraction of the inputs received from the preceding layer during each
feed-forward step. In this case, 20% of the previous layer’s outputs are thrown
away by each of the two dropout layers. Finally, the network ends with a single
sigmoid-activated output neuron. This is a typical situation in binary
classification - low values near 0 denote one class, larger values near 1
the other.
This model has a total of 6311 parameters as can be seen from the summary()
The first hidden dense layer with 10 neurons, which are fed from the 10 input nodes plus a bias node, has (10 + 1) · 10 = 110 parameters
The second dense layer with 100 neurons, which are fed from the 10 neurons of the previous layer plus a bias node, has (10 + 1) · 100 = 1100 parameters
Dropout layers do not have any free parameters that can be optimised during training
Similarly, the third dense layer and the single-neuron output layer have 5050 and 51 parameters, respectively.
Before we can begin training the model, we need to equip the model with a few more tools, in particular, a loss function and an optimiser. Metrics that quantify certain aspects of the model’s performance are not strictly necessary but highly useful:
The optimiser is the algorithm responsible for minimising the loss
function and the loss function quantifies how much the predictions of the
model generated during training differ from the training labels.
The loss function of choice for binary classification tasks is
binary crossentropy (tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy
and Adam (tf.keras.optimizers.Adam
) is one of several optimisers
that can be used.
In binary classification, in particular, there is a wide range of different, but related metrics. Let us take this opportunity and briefly discuss some of the metrics specifically geared towards binary classification - a thorough discussion can be found on Wikipedia: Sensitivity and specificity:
True Positives (TP): The number of datapoints that were classified as belonging to the positive class, corresponding to the presence of a stroke in our example, by the model and that in reality do belong to the positive class
True Negatives (TN): The number of datapoints that were classified as belonging to the negative class, corresponding to the absence of a stroke in our example, by the model and that in reality do belong to the negative class
False Positives (FP): The number of datapoints that were classified as belonging to the positive class but truly belong to the negative class
False Negatives (FN): The number of datapoints that were classified as belonging to the negative class but truly belong to the positive class
Recall, also called sensitivity and True Positive Rate (TPR) is defined as
\[\frac{\text{TP}}{\text{TP} + \text{FN}}\]and quantifies the fraction of the truly positve datapoints that were correctly predicted/classified by the model.
Precision is defined as
\[\frac{\text{TP}}{\text{TP} + \text{FP}}\]and quantifies the fraction of all positively classified datapoints that are in fact truly positive.
Accuracy: The fraction of datapoints that were correctly classified, i.e. the predicted class was identical to the true class. Accuracy is not a specifically binary metrics but is also very useful in multi-class classification problems.
Finally, we start the training as follows:
epochs = 100
history =, epochs=epochs,
callbacks = [
This configures 100 training epochs, during each of which the full training
set is digested and processed by the network in its search for ever-improving
model parameters. During training not only the loss is calculated, but also
the values of the other quantities specified in the metrics list. At the end
of each epoch, the complete validation dataset is consumed to calculate the
same metrics on a disjoint dataset that is not used for adjusting the model
parameters. The values of all metrics, both those calculated from the training
set and those evaluated from the test set, are written to a *.csv
file by
the tf.keras.callbacks.CSVLogger
callback at the end of each epoch.
Similarly, the spellbook.train.ModelSavingCallback
callback saves
the entire model including its architecture as well as all parameter values
every 10 epochs. This can be very handy because it preserves the model and
its state in case the training has to be cancelled.
I will use this exact model setup in the rest of this tutorial to demonstrate the effect that different training strategies can have on models with exactly the same layout. The only difference will be in the batch size, which is taken to be 100 here in the first approach and is reduced to the default value of 32 in the later versions.
Naive Approach#
Let’s have a look at the training and validation metrics we obtain when training the model in this ‘naive’ setup using the imbalanced dataset with 96% negative (no stroke) and 4% positive (stroke) cases.
Plots showing the evolution of the binary metrics can be generated with
spellbook’s spellbook.train.plot_history_binary()
# inspect/plot the training history
'{}-e{}-history'.format(prefix, epochs))
The resulting plot will be shown in Figure 24.
In order to determine the confusion matrix, it is necessary to retrieve the predictions of the trained model for the validation data. These can be obtained after some reorganisation and type conversion gymnastics:
# separate the datasets into features and labels
_, train_labels = sb.input.separate_tfdataset_to_tftensors(train)
_, val_labels = sb.input.separate_tfdataset_to_tftensors(val)
# obtain the predictions of the model
train_predictions = model.predict(train)
val_predictions = model.predict(val)
# not strictly necessary: remove the superfluous inner nesting
train_predictions = tf.reshape(train_predictions, train_predictions.shape[0])
val_predictions = tf.reshape(val_predictions, val_predictions.shape[0])
# until now the predictions are still continuous in [0, 1] and this breaks the
# calculation of the confusion matrix, so we need to set them to either 0 or 1
# according to a default intermediate threshold of 0.5
train_predicted_labels = sb.train.get_binary_labels(
train_predictions, threshold=0.5)
val_predicted_labels = sb.train.get_binary_labels(
val_predictions, threshold=0.5)
# calculate and plot the confusion matrix
class_names = list(categories['stroke'].values())
class_ids = list(categories['stroke'].keys())
val_confusion_matrix = tf.math.confusion_matrix(val_labels,
The confusion matrix relates the predicted classes to the true classes and
shows how often the model was accurate and in what way it erred. It can
be plotted with the spellbook.plot.plot_confusion_matrix()
# absolute datapoint counts
confusion_matrix = val_confusion_matrix,
class_names = class_names,
class_ids = class_ids),
filename = '{}-e{}-confusion.png'.format(prefix, epochs))
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 25.
As we can see from Figure 24, the loss improves only in the beginning, but then only decreases very slightly after about 10 epochs. Similarly, the accuracy reaches 95-96% at about the same time and does not improve beyond that. This accuracy very closely resembles the fractions of the two target classes or labels. Recall from Figure 1 in Binary Classification with the Stroke Prediction Dataset that 95.7% of the people in the dataset have not had a stroke compared to 4.3% who have. Looking at the confusion matrix in Figure 25, we can confirm what has happened: The model has learned to practically only and exclusively categorise the data as negative or healthy. Since it predicts all datapoints to be negative, its accuracy simply reflects how often this category appears in the dataset and despite the 95% accuracy it is in fact completely ignorant. Looking at the evolution of the true/false positive/ negative counts as well as the precision and recall in Figures 26 and 27, we can indeed confirm that this is not an accidental fluctuation:
All of this is despite the fact that the batch size was increased to 100 so as to make it probable that at least some positive cases were present in each batch. However, the 4% fraction of the positive cases is simply just much smaller than the 96% fraction of negative cases.
This is a typical situation when dealing with imbalanced data, where one target class appears substantially more often than the other(s). Note that simply training longer does not change the fundamental challenge. Instead, when facing this situation, two approaches come to mind:
Class/event weights: Assigning larger weights to the minority events, thus making them more ‘important’ effectively. This is similar to the boosting approach commonly used when training sets of decision trees (even in balanced situations).
Oversampling: Balancing the datasets by passing the same minority events to the model multiple times during each epoch
In this tutorial, we will apply the oversampling method.
Oversampling the Minority Class#
The idea of oversampling is to divide the dataset into two parts according the
positive and
negative cases, thus separating the majority and minority classes and then to
repeatedly sample with replacement from the minority classes to create a
‘pseudo’ minority dataset that is equal in size to the majority class. This
resampled minority dataset will naturally contain events multiple times and the
oversampling factor is given by the ratio of the sizes of the majority and the
original minority sets. Oversampling is implemented in
and can be applied as follows:
# oversampling (including shuffling of the data)
data = sb.input.oversample(data, target)
Under the hood, oversampling is realised as follows:
# get the different categories
cats = data[target].cat.categories
# split data by target category
datapoints = {}
for i in range(len(cats)):
datapoints[cats[i]] = data[data[target] == cats[i]]
# count datapoints in each category
counts = np.zeros(shape = len(cats), dtype=int)
for i in range(len(cats)):
counts[i] = datapoints[cats[i]][target].count()
# get number of datapoints in the largest category
nmax = np.amax(counts)
resampled = pd.DataFrame()
for i, cat in enumerate(cats):
# how many datapoints are missing?
nmiss = nmax - len(datapoints[cat])
assert nmiss >= 0
if nmiss > 0:
# ordered array of indices of the underrepresented category
indices = np.arange(counts[i])
# draw nmiss times with replacement from the indices array
choices = np.random.choice(indices, size=nmiss)
datapoints[cat] = datapoints[cat].append(
resampled = resampled.append(datapoints[cat])
if shuffle: resampled = resampled.sample(frac = 1.0)
The data is grouped and separated according to the different categories of the target variable and the difference in size between the largest class/category and the minority classes/categories is made up by sampling them with replacement until the size gaps are closed. This way, it is ensured that all original datapoints in the minority classes are preserved and only the datapoints needed to fill the gaps are randomly sampled.
In Figure 28 we can see that the loss is now somewhat increased compared to the naive approach, but decreases steadily over a longer range of training epochs. Likewise, the initial classification accuracy has decreased to about 70% and continually improves from there to about 86%. Given that the training and validation sets now, thanks to oversampling, are made up of very similar amounts of positive and negative datapoints, this accuracy is actually meaningful. This can also be seen in Figures 29 and 30, which show the evolution of the numbers of true/false positives/negatives and the truth-normalised confusion matrix, respectively. Now, the model is actually learning to detect positive cases and reaches a performance with 0.5% of the truly positive cases wrongly classified as negative and 27.6% of the truly negative cases wrongly classified as positive.
Normalising the Inputs#
Now, we are going to apply an additional technique on top - input normalisation. Normally, this should be done earlier, but I wanted to evaluate the benefit this brings by benchmarking against the previous model based on un-normalised inputs. The strategy of input normalisation is based on the sensitivity of neural networks to the scale of numerical input values - variables of the order of magnitude 1 are handled much better than values in the range of hundreds, thousands or even larger.
One common approach is standardisation, where a variable is shifted and scaled so that after the transformation its mean is 0 and its variance 1. Here, in order to see how powerful even a very simplistic normalisation is, we are just dividing the continuous numerical variables by some constant factors to rescale them to intervals roughly between 0 and 1:
# normalisation
data['age_norm'] = data['age'] / 100.0
data['avg_glucose_level_norm'] = data['avg_glucose_level'] / 300.0
data['bmi_norm'] = data['bmi'] / 100.0
# replace unnormalised variable names with their normalised counterparts
features[features.index('age')] = 'age_norm'
features[features.index('avg_glucose_level')] = 'avg_glucose_level_norm'
features[features.index('bmi')] = 'bmi_norm'
We are keeping the original unnormalised variables, created new, normalised
ones with the suffix _norm
and replace the original variables with them
in the list of feature variables which is later used for splitting the full
dataset into separate sets for the features and the labels.
After training for 2000 epochs, we get the following results:
As we can see from Figure 33, the performance of the model has improved further as reflected in reduced classification errors shown in the off-diagonal cells of the confusion matrix: The fraction of true negatives wrongly classified as positive has decreased to 9.5% and the fraction of true positives wrongly classified as negative has even gone down to zero.
Comparison: ROC Curves#
Finally, let’s compare all three approaches in yet another way: by means of the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves. ROC curves are a commonly used tool to benchmark the performance of different models against each other. They show the False Positive Rate (FPR) on the x-axis, indicating how often truly negative datapoints are wrongly classified as positive, and the True Positive Rate (TPR) on the y-axis, indicating what fraction of the truly positive datapoints are correctly classified.
ROC curves are implemented in spellbook.train.ROCPlot
At the end of each training, we determine the ROC curves for the respective
models and save them to disk using Python’s pickle mechanism:
# calculate and plot the ROC curve
roc = sb.train.ROCPlot()
roc.add_curve('{} / {} epochs (training)'.format(name, epochs),
train_labels, train_predictions.numpy(),
plot_args = dict(color='C0', linestyle='--'))
roc.add_curve('{} / {} epochs (validation)'.format(name, epochs),
val_labels, val_predictions.numpy(),
plot_args = dict(color='C0', linestyle='-')), '{}-e{}-roc.png'.format(prefix, epochs))
roc.pickle_save('{}-e{}-roc.pickle'.format(prefix, epochs))
We can subsequently load these pickle files with
roc_naive100 = ROCPlot.pickle_load('naive-e100-roc.pickle')
roc_oversampling2000 = ROCPlot.pickle_load('oversampling-e2000-roc.pickle')
roc_norm2000 = ROCPlot.pickle_load('oversampling-normalised-e2000-roc.pickle')
and combine the ROC curves of different models in a single plot with
roc = ROCPlot()
roc += roc_naive100
WP = roc.get_WP('naive / 100 epochs (validation)', threshold=0.5)
roc.draw_WP(WP, linestyle='-', linecolor='C1')
roc.curves['naive / 100 epochs (training)']['line'].set_color('C1')
roc.curves['naive / 100 epochs (validation)']['line'].set_color('C1')
roc += roc_oversampling2000
WP = roc.get_WP('oversampling / 2000 epochs (validation)', threshold=0.5)
roc.draw_WP(WP, linestyle='-', linecolor='C0')
roc += roc_norm2000
WP = roc.get_WP('oversampling normalised / 2000 epochs (validation)', threshold=0.5)
roc.draw_WP(WP, linestyle='-', linecolor='black')
roc.curves['oversampling normalised / 2000 epochs (training)']['line'].set_color('black')
roc.curves['oversampling normalised / 2000 epochs (validation)']['line'].set_color('black'), prefix+'roc-2000-naive-oversampling-normalised.png')
This code also serves to draw specific working points on the ROC curves, corresponding to picking the values of the model output (the sigmoid-activated output of the last model layer) that mark the boundary between classifying a datapoint as negative or as positive. Defining different working points with different threshold values can decrease the number of false negatives at the cost of increasing the number of false positives and vice versa. Here, we are simply going to stick to the default working points with threshold values of 0.5.
In order to have a fair benchmark, we plot the ROC curves for the second and third model after training for 2000 epochs in both cases. Since it was obvious that the first, naive model does not perform well at all for systematic reasons and that this does not change when training longer, we stick to 100 training epochs for this model and only include it for the sake of completeness.
We can see that the third model, trained with both oversampling and input normalisatoin outperforms the other two, as indicated by its ROC curve extending further to the top left corner of the plot, corresponding to lower FPR and higher TPR. The area under the curve (AUC) metric condenses this into a single number and we can see that the third model reaches an AUC of about 0.98 on the validation set as opposed to 0.94 for the second model.
In this tutorial, we used TensorFlow to set up and train a neural network for binary classification, detecting whether or not patients were suffering from a stroke. We encountered the problem of imbalanced data, saw how it prevented a first naive model from learning to distinguish between both target classes and then used oversampling to train a better classifier. We also saw the impact of input normalisation and used different metics as well as ROC curves to compare the performance of our different models. Our final classifier reached an AUC of about 0.98 with a TPR of 100% and an FPR of about 11% for the default working point with a treshold of 0.5 on the sigmoid-activated output of the single node in the last network layer.